Saturday, August 28, 2010

iPhone as eReader, Part Deux

In my earlier iPhone as eReader article I talked about four iPhone apps that let you read e-books:

  1. Kindle for iPhone
  2. Stanza
  3. eReader
  4. B&N eReader (now discontinued)

Since then a lot has changed:

B&N eReader has been replaced by the free nook for iPhone app from Barnes & Noble. This app allows owners of the Nook, B&N's rival to Amazon's Kindle — as well as non-owners of Nooks — to read Nook e-books on their iPhones.

There is a new app from Apple, iBooks for iPhone. It's the iPhone app you need to use to buy e-books from Apple's iBookstore, an arm of its iTunes Store.

Kobo is another new e-reader app. It lets the iPhone read e-books meant for the new $149.99 Kobo eReader device being sold at Borders stores in the U.S. That device supports open ePUB, open PDF, and Adobe DRM e-book formats.

The Borders iPhone app is, as far as I can tell, exactly like the Kobo app except in minor details.

All of these apps are available (often in separate versions for the two devices) for the new Apple iPad, not just the iPhone.

1 comment:

  1. Reading on the iPhone in a subway or while waiting for a bus can genuinely build the measure of time you dedicate to book reading.Much the same as a habit (adapted reflex?) of looking at Twitter app,you can go after the iPhone to open a book reading app,regardless of the fact that you have just two or three extra minutes.
    @Linda Smith.
